Dynamic Forms in Lightning Record Pages

Having problems adding or removing fields and field sections on lightning pages? Tired of page layouts???

Don't worry DYNAMIC FORMS are here for your rescue!

Wondering what dynamic forms are? Let's start exploring them!

Dynamic Forms is a feature released by Salesforce in its summer '20 release. With this feature, admins can add the Field Section and Field components directly in the Lightning App Builder. Now admins do not need to go to page layouts separate for rearranging fields. The visibility filters from App Builder gives you a dynamic show/hide of sections and fields based on other data. 

Dynamic Forms

Time to Hop on and get started!

1. In setup, navigate to Record Page Settings under the 'User Interface' section. Toggle the switch to ON for enabling dynamic forms. Too easy, Isn't it?

Enable Dynamic Forms

2. Navigate to one of the record pages of a custom object. Currently, this feature is only available for custom objects. 

3. Click on the settings icon, a popup will open. In the popup click on the 'Edit Page' option. It opens up the app builder.

4. Select the fields tab from the left side pane. From this tab, you can drag and drop field and field sections.

Tab to drag and drop fields and field sections

Fields and Field sections added to the page

5.  If you already have a record detail component added on the page, You will get an option to upgrade this to a dynamic form. 
     Once you click on upgrade, you will get an upgrade modal where you will be asked to select the page layout from which you want to pull in fields and field sections.

Record Detail Component with Upgrade Option

Step to select a layout from which fields and field sections needs to be pulled in

NOTE:  This feature is not supported for mobile currently, so you will be getting a record detail component for mobile.

6. Save and activate the page. The sections will be displayed in accordion.

Now you are all set to try yourself !! 

Currently(Salesforce Summer '20 Release) Dynamic Forms is in Non-GA Preview. This is available only for custom objects and isn’t supported on record pages that use pinned-region or custom page templates.


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